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Commercial Disputes Video 5 – Should I send a legal letter of demand or a request to mediate?

Play Video about Dixon Soh Should I send a legal letter of demand or a request to mediate
Should I send a legal letter of demand or a request to mediate? In Video 5, Dixon Soh from CHP Law addresses the typical #IP challenges that small businesses encounter. Dixon underscores the importance of structuring deals correctly from the outset and conducting thorough IP #duediligence. Understanding the intricacies of business agreements and seeking guidance from an experienced IP lawyer are pivotal in averting these disputes. Gain insights into effectively handling these IP challenges by watching the video here. Find the right process and professional for your dispute by using our ResoX Search Tool – https://resox.com/questionnaire/   If you are a Dispute Resolution Professional (DRP) and would like to profile your services with us, please register here – https://resox.com/drp-register/   If you are a disputant seeking assistance, give our AI Dispute Advisor a try- https://aida.resox.com/
我们的 “专注商业争端”第五集视频中,来自CHP Law的Dixon Soh解决了小型企业常遇到的典型知识产权挑战。Dixon强调了从一开始正确构建交易和进行彻底的知识产权尽职调查的重要性。 了解商业协议的复杂性,并从经验丰富的知识产权律师那里寻求指导对于避免这些争端至关重要。通过观看此视频,深入了解有效处理这些知识产权挑战的见解。  
通过使用我们的ResoX搜索工具,找到适合您争端的正确过程和专业人士 – https://resox.com/questionnaire/ 如果您是争端解决专业人士(DRP),并希望在我们平台上展示您的服务,请在此处注册 – https://resox.com/drp-register/ 如果您是寻求帮助的当事人,请尝试我们的人工智能争端顾问 – https://aida.resox.com/