Francis Goh


Experience:since 1991
Areas:Business & Contractual, Workplace/Employment, Trusts, Societies & Non-Profit Orgs

Francis Goh is the Head of International Arbitration & Mediation and Head of Private Client Advisory practice at Harry Elias Partnership Singapore. He has been in practice for 30 years doing disputes and advisory work. Francis has acted in international arbitrations under the SIAC, HKIAC, ICC and LMAA.

As an undergraduate at the National University of Singapore, Francis won the B.A Mallal Mooting Competition in 1987. Today he continues his passion for advocacy, serving as senior trainer as well as co-vice chair of the Singapore Law Society’s Advocacy Committee.

As an IMI certified mediator and mediation advocate, Francis understands how to use the mediation process to help parties manage their disputes to achieve win-win outcomes.

Francis currently serves on the Council of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators as their Honorary Secretary. He is a Principal Mediator at Singapore Mediation Centre. He is also a Specialist Mediator and Ambassador of the Singapore International Mediation Centre. Francis serves as an Adjudicator of the Financial Industry Dispute Resolution Centre Ltd.
