Commercial Disputes Video 1 – What advice do you give to businesses who want to resolve issues cost-effectively?
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What advice do you give to businesses who want to resolve issues cost-effectively?
In our first “Disputes Demystified Campaign: Focus on Commercial Disputes” video, we hear from Mr Johnny Tan who has a wealth of experience as a #mediator, #arbitrator and adjudicator. #Commercialdisputes require an appreciation of the cost tradeoffs with desired outcomes. Johnny describes how #disputants can benefit from breaking down complex disputes into smaller issues before prescribing suitable processes to resolve them.
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在我们的 “专注商业争端” 第一集视频中,我们听到了Johnny Tan先生的发言,他在调解、仲裁和裁决方面拥有丰富的经验。商业争端需要对成本权衡和期望结果有所了解。Johnny描述了当事人如何从将复杂的争端拆分为较小问题中受益,然后确定适当的解决过程。
通过使用我们的ResoX搜索工具,找到适合您争端的正确过程和专业人士 – https://resox.com/questionnaire/
如果您是争端解决专业人士(DRP),并希望在我们平台上展示您的服务,请在此处注册 – https://resox.com/drp-register/
如果您是寻求帮助的当事人,请尝试我们的人工智能争端顾问 – https://aida.resox.com/