Looking to Find a Lawyer? There May Be Other Top Ways
Maybe there’s been an accident, an incident at work, a trade or contractual problem that’s escalated, or perhaps a neighbor or family disagreement that’s grown out of control where you need to find a lawyer.
If you are looking to Find a Lawyer in Singapore this article will help you.
Disputes can arise from almost anywhere, and when communications break down you have a conflict. A conflict can quickly escalate into an argument where you either feel forced to pursue the person or business with legal action or you’re worried that they may take action against you.
So it’s at this point that many of us start looking to find a lawyer. But there are other avenues you might consider that may be more suitable and perhaps more affordable. So let’s look at these:
First, a conflict coach is qualified to help you resolve the dispute at the interpersonal level. That is, they can help you approach, discuss and negotiate with the other party. This may in some cases be the best move because the whole thing can be closed down early, amicably, and affordably without going any further.
A mediator is impartial to both you and the other party. A mediator examines the dispute, engages both parties, and tries to find a way to work with everyone to find a resolution they can all accept. This is often very cost-effective, and a successful mediation can repair the relationship enough that both parties are very motivated to do their part to resolve the dispute properly and confidentially.
An arbitrator is like a “private judge” in that they can look impartially at the dispute and the situation, and make a ruling that both groups will have agreed to abide by. An arbitrator typically has the advantage that they fully understand the industry you are in, so their solutions are more closely tailored to resolving the situation comprehensively.
Finally, a lawyer will represent you, advise you and “fight your corner”. They often come with distinct specializations and experiences. They are highly qualified to navigate the legal system and can escalate it to a court judgment if necessary. Sometimes it’s the only way, and you will certainly be in professional hands. But not only are court judgments very expensive, but they may also often close the door on further dealings with the other party because the relationship is not addressed.
Here at ResoX, we truly understand that finding the most appropriate professional for you can be challenging, significantly if you don’t move in these professional circles and don’t “know anyone”. Our gentle questions and Dispute Advisor quiz system guides you to the most suitable Dispute Resolution Professionals and lets you peruse and choose the ones you’d like to hear from once you’re sure.
So before you start looking to find a lawyer in Singapore, consider using ResoX to get an idea of what you need it is the best dispute resolution directory in Singapore to resolve your dispute. It’s FREE and without obligation.
Written by: Colin Millward – COO and Co-Founder of ResoX.com – August 2022
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